ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Application and Analysis of Moment Invariant Features in Medical CT Images

  • 摘要: 本文以医学CT图像为研究对象,探讨不变矩特征在医学CT图像中的应用。首先实验验证不变矩特征所具有的旋转、平移、缩放等不变特性,其后以基于内容的医学图像检索为例,揭示不变矩特征在基于内容的医学图像检索中的应用原理,最后分析图像不变矩特征的应用场合。实验成果对不变矩特征在医学图像识别、图像匹配、形状分析、图像分割以及基于内容的图像检索等领域的应用具有推动作用。


    Abstract: In this paper the medical CT images were used as research objects, and we researched on the application of moment invariant features in medical CT images. First, the nature of the moment invariant features insensitive to rotation, translation and scale was verified through experiments. Next, we took the content-based medical image retrieval for example, revealed the principles of the application of moment invariant features in content-based medical image retrieval. Finally, the using occasions of the feature extraction method based on moment invariants were analyzed. The experimental results play an important role in promoting the application of moment invariant features in medical image recognition, image matching, shape analysis, image segmentation, content-based image retrieval and etc.


