ISSN 1004-4140
CN 11-3017/P


Preoperative Evaluation of the Vessels in Living Donors before Pediatric Liver Transplantation by Gemstone Spectral CT

  • 摘要: 目的:探讨能谱CT最佳单能量图像在30例婴幼儿肝移植供体术前影像评估中的应用价值。方法:对30例供者做术前能谱CT检查。对肝动脉、门静脉和肝静脉做单能CT和混合能量CT的CT血管造影 (CTA) 。测量供者的肝脏总体积及模拟切除体积, 并与术中切除标本对照。结果:单能CT在50 ke V时的肝内血管CTA成像质量优于混合能量CT (P<0.001) 。供者肝脏各血管变异情况均在CTA得以显示。结论:能谱CT单能CTA作为婴幼儿肝移植供体术前评估的一种方法, 可以获得良好的血管与软组织对比, 保证血管CT成像的质量和评估的准确性。


    Abstract: Objective: The purpose of the study was to discuss the application value of spectral CT in preoperative imaging evaluation of the living donor's vessels in pediatric liver transplantation. Methods: Preoperational spectral CT scan was performed for 30 living donors. CTA were performed, both monochromatic and combined energetic, on their hepatic artery and vein, also the portal vein. The donor's total volume and the planning cutting part was measured respectively and compared with the real replanting liver volume. Result: The monochromatic CTA imaging quality of the liver vessels at 50 ke V is better than the combined one (P < 0.001). And the anatomical variation of the donor's liver vessels could be shown very clear by CTA. Conclusion: As one of the methods of the preoperative evaluation of the living donor's liver in pediatric liver transplantation, the monochromatic CTA could show high quality contrast image between the vessels and the soft tissues, and guarantee the quality of vessel reconstruction image and the accuracy of assessment.


