Parallel-beam Algorithm and its Application in Breast Panel-PET
摘要: 目前临床应用的全身扫描PET机一般采用环形探测器结构, 投影线是完整且规则的正弦图 (Sinogram, Sino) 采用传统的扇形束构造法。随着基于局部扫描的平板PET机设计概念的出现, 由于平板PET的投影线是不完整且不规则的, 开发适合平板PET的平行束构造Sino图算法对平板PET机的发展至关重要。本文根据由我们实验室设计开发的平板乳腺PET机的物理结构, 以及基于旋转采集模式, 提出了应用于乳腺平板PET的平行束算法。为验证算法的正确性, 开展了动物实验, 实验采用旋转3次, 每次旋转45°的采集模式, 构造出Sino图, 然后利用该Sino图进行图像重建。图像重建的结果表明, 本文提出的算法是正确可行的, 为平板PET中Sino图的构造提供了新的思路。Abstract: The detector for whole-body-scan PETs used currently in clinical is commonly loop structure, sinogram (sinogram, also known as Sino) using the traditional method of fan beam structure if projection line is complete and rules. Along with the progress of the design concept for panel-PET, the projection of the panel-PET is Incomplete and irregular, it is of great significance to develop parallel-beam algorithm suited for panel-structure PET. Based on the structure of a breast panel-PET developed by our Lab, and base on rotating acquisition mode, an algorithm of parallel beam for breast panel-PET sinogram construction is put forward. To confirm the correctness of this algorithm, animal experiments were carried out to test and verify. Firstly, signals of animal rats were collected, then sinograms are constructed by the algorithm proposed in this paper, finally functional images of animal rats are reconstructed through those sinograms.Resultsshow that the proposed algorithm is correct indicating its feasible for panel-PET imaging reconstruction.