3D X-ray Microscope and its Typical Applications
摘要: X射线三维显微镜 (显微CT) 是目前发展最热门、成长最快的CT成像技术门类之一, 在微纳制造技术、新材料以及电子科学等领域起着十分重要的作用并得到广泛的应用。X射线三维显微镜能够以亚微米的细节分辨能力对被检测对象内部结构进行无损的三维成像, 是一种新型的检测设备。本文介绍了三英精密仪器有限公司研制的nano Voxel-2000系列X射线三维显微镜的结构和工作原理, 展示了该仪器在系统设计、成像方法及应用分析方面的特色。该系列的X射线三维显微镜最大管电压为150 k V, 采用5μm的微焦源实现低于500 nm的成像分辨率, 能够进行不同尺寸样品、不同分辨率的成像。在此基础上, 探讨了X射线显微镜的典型应用, 主要对样品的内部结构、形貌进行表征。希望典型应用的实例能起到抛砖引玉的作用, 吸引更多学者利用X射线三维显微成像技术开展科学研究, 拓宽X射线三维显微镜的应用领域。Abstract: 3D X-ray Microscope is becoming a widely used imaging tool in many research and industrial fields such as biology, geology, material science, etc, due to its capability of achieving sub-micron spatial resolution and showing internal structures non-destructively. This paper introduces a newly developed X-ray Microscope (nano Voxel-2000) by Tianjin Sanying precision Instruments Ltd.. The system configuration and imaging technologies of the instrument are presented and discussed. One of the most important index for microscopes is resolution. nano Voxel-2000 is of a spatial resolution up to 500 nm. It can scan samples with different scales and fields of view via a multiple lens-coupled CCD detector system, and realize image reconstruction at different resolution scales. In addition, typical applications of the 3D X-ray Microscope in material science and geology are explored, and quantitative analysis on image data such as the morphology of material structures, interior structure information, etc. is presented. It is expected that this article can play a role in attracting more colleagues to carry out research with 3D X-ray Microscopy.